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Polyurethane sole, semirigid are coveredunder IS 13893:1994. BIS adopted this standard after the draft finalized by thefootwear sectional committee had been approved by the chemical divisioncouncil. This standard specifies the requirements, sampling method, and testsfor polyurethane, semirigid, unit full soles. Polyurethane soles are designedfor the production of general-purpose footwear bottoms as well as their repair.The product must meet the physical requirements specified in the standard. Thesole shall be antislip, or any other suitable design agreed upon by thepurchaser and the supplier. When measured in accordance with the methodprescribed in IS 12240(PART 1):1988, the thickness of the sole must not be lessthan 10 mm at any portion of the sole.
Unlined moulded rubber boots
Unlined moulded rubber boots are coveredunder IS 13995:1995. This standard specifies the requirements as well as thesampling and testing methods for unlined rubber boots moulded in one piece forgeneral use for men and women. The product must meet the physical and othersrequirements of the standard. The thickness of the rubber components must begreater than or equal to the value specified in the standard. The heel'sthickness must be measured on the outside edge along the length of the heel.