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Maleic anhydrides, technical are covered under IS 5149:2020. Thisstandard specifies the specifications and the sampling and testing method formaleic anhydride, technical, which are suitable for industrial use.
The substance can be solid or molten. When solid, it must be inthe form of white flakes, rods, pallets, or briquettes that are free from anyvisible impurities. Maleic anhydride is toxic, and hazardous decomposition canoccur when heated with caustic or other alkalis, alkaline compounds, or organicbases. As a result, every possible precaution should be used in its handling,use, and storage. Extreme care should be used to avoid contact with the skin,inhalation of its dust and vapour, and when handling maleicanhydride-contaminated equipment. When tested according to the methodsdescribed in Annex A of the standard, the material must also meet therequirements stated in the standard. We provide complete ISI Certificationconsultancy services for your product from start to end, during which assistyou in all types of documentation formalities.